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O5BM Finance Webinar: – Secure Your Family’s Future by Understanding Your Insurance Small Prints

8 months ago
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Date(s) - 07/12/2023
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Are you aware of the Financial Inequality that exists between Ethnicity and Insurance Pricing?

The March 2023 report by the Citizen Advice Bureau, which found that blacks and Asians are still paying higher car insurances than whites in similar comparative profile.

“People of colour should be treated fairly in the provision of insurance,” an FCA spokesperson told The Independent.

As older Black men, our Protection or Life Insurance must be in place and must be a source financial independence to our loved ones.

Therefore, we must fight the inequality that is making us pay higher premium based on our ethnicity.

Step 1 of this fight: Obtain information.

  • Join this Financial Webinar to learn about the ‘small prints’ that become ‘big issues’ in securing ours and our family’s future.


  1. SteveO

    Definitely a worthy topic for both discussion and enlightenment.

  2. Ebosky

    It will be interesting to understand how this lingering issue can be tackled and how we can support the prevention of this covert profiling going forward and what support can be provided to prevent or mitigate this occurence going forward.

  3. Lanrewaju2

    It is worthwhile to know that financial protection information services is available for all on this platform. It is essential we all get adequate protection for ourselves and our families.
    It is also good to understand how financial protection services work with pre-existing illnesses.

  4. SteveO

    I agree this is a very important topic that most of us struggle to navigate at the best of times. Looking forward to the session.

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