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Understanding Blood & STEM Donations

1 year ago
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Date(s) - 25/06/2023
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm



  • The ratio of patients waiting for a lifesaving transplant to organ donors is 10 times higher for black people than for white people. (From NHS Blood and Transplant).
  • In 2021, 20 black people donated organs after they died, and 25 black people donated a kidney as a living donor. In contrast there are 630 black patients in need of a lifesaving transplant.
  • Black patients are significantly over-represented on the transplant list, accounting for 11 percent of those waiting for an organ compared with 2.5 percent of the whole UK population.
  • That Blood or Stem cell transplant can offer a second chance of life to people with blood cancers and blood disorders?

Health Inequalities faced by our black community is sometimes due to our own ignorance or lack of information.

As Over 50s Black Men Community, we are Grandfathers, Fathers and Uncles. It is our duty to learn and understand more, so that we can lead in informing, educating, and addressing health inequalities in our community.

Guest Host/Presenter: Alice Hirst

Partner Organisation: Anthony Nolan (



  1. SteveO

    I am looking forward to this webinar, our support should yield a very positive impact on our community.

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